Saturday 16 April 2011

Bye bye John

The project I finished this week started just a couple of weeks ago, when I learned that my colleague John Lie, after almost 20 years, had decided to leave Europdonor. We have been working together, performing donor searches for Dutch patients in need of a stem cell transplantation, since 1997. He taught me everything about matching, and we talked about family, and food, and the assortment of our 'Sweets and Soup Shop' (a little table in a corner of our office with chocolate bars, sweet treats and noodle soup and a small cup for the payments for our Europdonor colleagues), and became friends.

Since John's roots are Chinese, I decided to make a quilt with an appliqued chinese character, meaning: See you, good bye! I have chosen for fabric from Japan, bought in the City Quilter in New York, mixed with matching fabrics from my stash.

When I was stirred up by something, John always stayed imperturbable and often said to me: 'be careful, you have too much fire'. With this quilt I have donated him some of my fire.

John loves monkeys and is concerned about their well being, see also: Stichting Aap.
The little monkey is part of John's signature: Jocco Aap. 

Next Monday, search will go on, but things in the Europdonor office will never be the same...